Choosing a House for a Lifetime - Insurance, Escrow, Settlement in Murfreesboro TN

Choosing a House for a Lifetime

It’s true that, sometimes, when we buy, we know we’re not buying for a lifetime. However, often a person is looking for a home that can accommodate a changing and growing family. Many young families are moving away from the concept of the “starter home” and toward the idea of buying a house that can change and grow with them over time. Here are just a few considerations when buying a home, especially for the family you might not have yet.

1. A Home for the Life You Have Buying

a home for the life you have, with an eye toward the future, means that: if you are a single person or couple looking to start a family in a few years, you don’t necessarily need to buy a house that can accommodate a family. You may, instead, want to look for a home that can easily be built out.

2. A Home for the Life You Want If

you do buy a home with a spare room, but you are currently working from home and using it as an office, prepare for the idea of moving the office out of the home in a few years and turning the spare room into a child’s room, when the time comes. The object is not to buy the perfect home for every occasion -- but the home that can grow and change with your needs.

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