3 Important things to fix before listing your home - Insurance, Escrow, Settlement in Murfreesboro TN

3 Important things to fix before listing your home

When you think about moving, it's often after years of living in your current home. You see the same walls, the same floors, the same leaky faucet. You know which doorframes stick and where. You know exactly how to walk down your hallway without waking up the whole house. While these quirks may not stand out to you, your potential buyer is on the lookout for any potential future complications, and any potential bargaining leverage. So here are some important fixes to complete before listing your home.

Sand down those spackle bumps

If you're selling your home, then presumably you plan to repaint anyway. Take this opportunity to erase any somewhat lazy or hasty repairs you've made by just going at your walls with a sander. You can rest easy knowing your home doesn't look like you've hosted a traveling circus recently.

Examine your carpet carefully

As a consequence of living with it for years or possibly decades, you've grown accustomed to the way your carpet looks. It happened so slowly you never even noticed it. a little spill here, some ground in dirt there. your kids are so good at hiding messes, you may not see the damage for years. Take a good hard look and decide whether having newer carpet could lead to a higher bid.

Throw down some mulch

As obnoxious as it is when your real estate agent uses it, there is no overestimating the value of curb appeal, and fresh clean mulch is actually one of the most important aspects of it. As it turns out, new mulch can be even more effective than your plants, which you'll want to be cutting back a little, so the uniform demarcation between grass and plant bed can be fully appreciated.

Don't fret if your home isn't perfect. No house is, but getting the most out of it is all about looking at it through a new lens and making the necessary adjustments.

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